The Foundation for Excellence in Bridgeport Public Schools was founded in 2015 as a 501(c)(3) non-profit charity organization to attract donations and seek grants to fund programs, projects, and services that support the mission and objectives of Bridgeport Public Schools in Connecticut.
The Bridgeport School District is a 501(c)(3) non-profit charitable organization for the largest school system in Connecticut, servicing approximately 20,000 students. It also ranks lowest among the Connecticut school districts on the economic scale.
There are thirty-seven schools, consisting of thirty elementary schools, five high schools, the Bridgeport Learning Center (for special education services), and the inter-district Vocational Aquaculture School. The school system employs more than 3000 staff, including Facilities, Security, and Food Services personnel.
The Foundation for Excellence in Bridgeport Public Schools seeks and welcomes donations from individuals and organizations to support the public school system’s educational priorities.